Communications in Cryptology IACR CiC

Implicit Factorization with Shared Any Bits


Chunzhi Zhao, Junqi Zhang, Jinzheng Cao, Qingfeng Cheng, Fushan Wei
Chunzhi Zhao
Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou, China
zhaochunzhi2022 at 126 dot com
Junqi Zhang
Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou, China
zhangjunqi001 at 126 dot com
Jinzheng Cao ORCID
Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou, China
caojinzheng at 126 dot com
Qingfeng Cheng ORCID
Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou, China
qingfengc2008 at sina dot com
Fushan Wei ORCID
Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou, China
weifs831020 at 163 dot com


At PKC 2009, May and Ritzenhofen proposed the implicit factorization problem (IFP). They showed that it is undemanding to factor two h-bit RSA moduli N1=p1q1, N2=p2q2 where q1, q2 are both αh-bit, and p1, p2 share uh>2αh the least significant bits (LSBs). Subsequent works mainly focused on extending the IFP to the cases where p1, p2 share some of the most significant bits (MSBs) or the middle bits (MBs). In this paper, we propose a novel generalized IFP where p1 and p2 share an arbitrary number of bit blocks, with each block having a consistent displacement in its position between p1 and p2, and we solve it successfully based on Coppersmith’s method. Specifically, we generate a new set of shift polynomials to construct the lattice and optimize the structure of the lattice by introducing a new variable z=p1. We derive that we can factor the two moduli in polynomial time when u>2(n+1)α(1−α^1/(n+1)) with p1, p2 sharing n blocks. Further, no matter how many blocks are shared, we can theoretically factor the two moduli as long as u>2αln(1/α). In addition, we consider two other cases where the positions of the shared blocks are arbitrary or there are k>2 known moduli. Meanwhile, we provide the corresponding solutions for the two cases. Our work is verified by experiments.


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PDFPDF Open access

Submitted: 2024-06-26
Accepted: 2024-09-02
Published: 2024-10-07
How to cite

Chunzhi Zhao, Junqi Zhang, Jinzheng Cao, Qingfeng Cheng, and Fushan Wei, Implicit Factorization with Shared Any Bits. IACR Communications in Cryptology, vol. 1, no. 3, Oct 07, 2024, doi: 10.62056/anjbhey6b.


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