Communications in Cryptology IACR CiC

Constant-Round YOSO MPC Without Setup


Sebastian Kolby, Divya Ravi, Sophia Yakoubov
Sebastian Kolby ORCID
Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
sk at cs dot au dot dk
Divya Ravi ORCID
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
d dot ravi at uva dot nl
Sophia Yakoubov ORCID
Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
sophia dot yakoubov at cs dot au dot dk


YOSO MPC (Gentry et al., Crypto 2021) is a new MPC framework where each participant can speak at most once. This models an adaptive adversary’s ability to watch the network and corrupt or destroy parties it deems significant based on their communication. By using private channels to anonymous receivers (e.g. by encrypting to a public key whose owner is unknown), the communication complexity of YOSO MPC can scale sublinearly with the total number N of available parties, even when the adversary’s corruption threshold is linear in N (e.g. just under N/2). It was previously an open problem whether YOSO MPC can achieve guaranteed output delivery in a constant number of rounds without relying on trusted setup. In this work, we show that this can indeed be accomplished. We demonstrate three different approaches: the first two (which we call YaOSO and YOSO-GLS) use two and three rounds of communication, respectively. Our third approach (which we call YOSO-LHSS) uses O(d) rounds, where d is the multiplicative depth of the circuit being evaluated; however, it can be used to bootstrap any constant-round YOSO protocol that requires setup, by generating that setup within YOSO-LHSS. Though YOSO-LHSS requires more rounds than our first two approaches, it may be more practical, since the zero knowledge proofs it employs are more efficient to instantiate. As a contribution of independent interest, we introduce a verifiable state propagation UC functionality, which allows parties to send private message which are verifiably derived in the “correct” way (according to the protocol in question) to anonymous receivers. This is a natural functionality to build YOSO protocols on top of.


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Submitted: 2024-07-08
Accepted: 2024-09-02
Published: 2024-10-07
How to cite

Sebastian Kolby, Divya Ravi, and Sophia Yakoubov, Constant-Round YOSO MPC Without Setup. IACR Communications in Cryptology, vol. 1, no. 3, Oct 07, 2024, doi: 10.62056/ae5w4fe-3.


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