Communications in Cryptology IACR CiC

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Call for papers: IACR Communications in Cryptology Submit a paper Communications in Cryptology is a journal for original research papers which welcomes submissions on any topic in cryptology. This covers all research topics in cryptography and cryptanalysis, including but not limited to foundational theory and mathematics the design, proposal, and analysis of cryptographic primitives a...
Editors in chief
Frequently asked questions The International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR) Communications in Cryptology (CiC) was approved by the Membership in the IACR 2022 election and targets publications that advance the field, but with a broader range of contributions than the ones accepted by the IACR flagship or area conferences. What are the main principles of CiC? Low-cost open ...
Chunzhi Zhao, Junqi Zhang, Jinzheng Cao, Qingfeng Cheng, Fushan Wei
Published 2024-10-07 PDFPDF

At PKC 2009, May and Ritzenhofen proposed the implicit factorization problem (IFP). They showed that it is undemanding to factor two h-bit RSA moduli N1=p1q1, N2=p2q2 where q1, q2 are both αh-bit, and p1, p2 share uh>2αh the least significant bits (LSBs). Subsequent works mainly focused on extending the IFP to the cases where p1, p2 share some of the most significant bits (MSBs) or the middle bits (MBs). In this paper, we propose a novel generalized IFP where p1 and p2 share an arbitrary number of bit blocks, with each block having a consistent displacement in its position between p1 and p2, and we solve it successfully based on Coppersmith’s method. Specifically, we generate a new set of shift polynomials to construct the lattice and optimize the structure of the lattice by introducing a new variable z=p1. We derive that we can factor the two moduli in polynomial time when u>2(n+1)α(1−α^1/(n+1)) with p1, p2 sharing n blocks. Further, no matter how many blocks are shared, we can theoretically factor the two moduli as long as u>2αln(1/α). In addition, we consider two other cases where the positions of the shared blocks are arbitrary or there are k>2 known moduli. Meanwhile, we provide the corresponding solutions for the two cases. Our work is verified by experiments.

Sebastian Kolby, Divya Ravi, Sophia Yakoubov
Published 2024-10-07 PDFPDF

YOSO MPC (Gentry et al., Crypto 2021) is a new MPC framework where each participant can speak at most once. This models an adaptive adversary’s ability to watch the network and corrupt or destroy parties it deems significant based on their communication. By using private channels to anonymous receivers (e.g. by encrypting to a public key whose owner is unknown), the communication complexity of YOSO MPC can scale sublinearly with the total number N of available parties, even when the adversary’s corruption threshold is linear in N (e.g. just under N/2). It was previously an open problem whether YOSO MPC can achieve guaranteed output delivery in a constant number of rounds without relying on trusted setup. In this work, we show that this can indeed be accomplished. We demonstrate three different approaches: the first two (which we call YaOSO and YOSO-GLS) use two and three rounds of communication, respectively. Our third approach (which we call YOSO-LHSS) uses O(d) rounds, where d is the multiplicative depth of the circuit being evaluated; however, it can be used to bootstrap any constant-round YOSO protocol that requires setup, by generating that setup within YOSO-LHSS. Though YOSO-LHSS requires more rounds than our first two approaches, it may be more practical, since the zero knowledge proofs it employs are more efficient to instantiate. As a contribution of independent interest, we introduce a verifiable state propagation UC functionality, which allows parties to send private message which are verifiably derived in the “correct” way (according to the protocol in question) to anonymous receivers. This is a natural functionality to build YOSO protocols on top of.

André Schrottenloher, Marc Stevens
Published 2024-10-07 PDFPDF

In this paper we study search problems that arise very often in cryptanalysis: nested search problems, where each search layer has known degrees of freedom and/or constraints. A generic quantum solution for such problems consists of nesting Grover's quantum search algorithm or amplitude amplification (QAA) by Brassard et al., obtaining up to a square-root speedup on classical algorithms. However, the analysis of nested Grover or QAA is complex and introduces technicalities that in previous works are handled in a case-by-case manner. Moreover, straightforward nesting of l layers multiplies the complexity by a constant factor (pi/2)^l.

In this paper, we aim to remedy both these issues and introduce a generic framework and tools to transform a classical nested search into a quantum procedure. It improves the state-of-the-art in three ways: 1) our framework results in quantum procedures that are significantly simpler to describe and analyze; 2) it reduces the overhead factor from (pi/2)^l to sqrt(l); 3) it is simpler to apply and optimize, without needing manual quantum analysis. We give generic complexity formulas and show that for concrete instances, numerical optimizations enable further improvements, reducing even more the gap to an exact quadratic speedup.

We demonstrate our framework by giving a tighter analysis of quantum attacks on reduced-round AES.

Nima Mahdion, Elisabeth Oswald
Published 2024-10-07 PDFPDF

Software implementations of cryptographic algorithms often use masking schemes as a countermeasure against side channel attacks. A number of recent results show clearly the challenge of implementing masking schemes in such a way, that (unforeseen) micro-architectural effects do not cause masking flaws that undermine the intended security goal of an implementation. So far, utilising a higher-order version of the non-specific (fixed-vs-random) input test of the Test Vector Leakage Assessment (TVLA) framework has been the best option to identify such flaws. The drawbacks of this method are both its significant computation cost, as well as its inability to pinpoint which interaction of masking shares leads to the flaw. In this paper we propose a novel version, the fixed-vs-random shares test, to tackle both drawbacks. We explain our method and show its application to three case studies, where each time it outperforms its conventional TVLA counterpart. The drawback of our method is that it requires control over the shares, which, we argue, is practically feasible in the context of in-house evaluation and testing for software implementations.

Ruize Wang, Kalle Ngo, Joel Gärtner, Elena Dubrova
Published 2024-10-07 PDFPDF

Most of the previous attacks on Dilithium exploit side-channel information which is leaked during the computation of the polynomial multiplication cs1, where s1 is a small-norm secret and c is a verifier's challenge. In this paper, we present a new attack utilizing leakage during secret key unpacking in the signing algorithm. The unpacking is also used in other post-quantum cryptographic algorithms, including Kyber, because inputs and outputs of their API functions are byte arrays. Exploiting leakage during unpacking is more challenging than exploiting leakage during the computation of cs1 since c varies for each signing, while the unpacked secret key remains constant. Therefore, post-processing is required in the latter case to recover a full secret key. We present two variants of post-processing. In the first one, a half of the coefficients of the secret s1 and the error s2 is recovered by profiled deep learning-assisted power analysis and the rest is derived by solving linear equations based on t = As1 + s2, where A and t are parts of the public key. This case assumes knowledge of the least significant bits of t, t0. The second variant uses lattice reduction to derive s1 without the knowledge of t0. However, it needs a larger portion of s1 to be recovered by power analysis. We evaluate both variants on an ARM Cortex-M4 implementation of Dilithium-2. The experiments show that the attack assuming the knowledge of t0 can recover s1 from a single trace captured from a different from profiling device with a non-negligible probability.

Aron van Baarsen, Marc Stevens
Published 2024-10-07 PDFPDF

Private set intersection (PSI) is a cryptographic functionality for two parties to learn the intersection of their input sets, without leaking any other information. Circuit-PSI is a stronger PSI functionality where the parties learn only a secret-shared form of the desired intersection, thus without revealing the intersection directly. These secret shares can subsequently serve as input to a secure multiparty computation of any function on this intersection.

In this paper we consider several settings in which parties take part in multiple Circuit-PSI executions with the same input set, and aim to amortize communications and computations. To that end, we build up a new framework for Circuit-PSI around generalizations of oblivious (programmable) PRFs that are extended with offline setup phases. We present several efficient instantiations of this framework with new security proofs for this setting. As a side result, we obtain a slight improvement in communication and computation complexity over the state-of-the-art semi-honest Circuit-PSI protocol by Bienstock et al. (USENIX '23). Additionally, we present a novel Circuit-PSI protocol from a PRF with secret-shared outputs, which has linear communication and computation complexity in the parties' input set sizes, and is able to realize a stronger security notion. Lastly, we derive the potential amortizations over multiple protocol executions, and observe that each of the presented instantiations is favorable in at least one of the multiple-execution settings.

Samuel Jaques
Published 2024-10-07 PDFPDF

The security of lattice-based crytography (LWE, NTRU, and FHE) depends on the hardness of the shortest-vector problem (SVP). Sieving algorithms give the lowest asymptotic runtime to solve SVP, but depend on exponential memory. Memory access costs much more in reality than in the RAM model, so we consider a computational model where processors, memory, and meters of wire are in constant proportions to each other. While this adds substantial costs to route data during lattice sieving, we modify existing algorithms to amortize these costs and find that, asymptotically, a classical computer can achieve the previous RAM model cost of $2^{0.2925d+o(d)}$ to sieve a $d$-dimensional lattice for a computer existing in 3 or more spatial dimensions, and can reach $2^{0.3113d+o(d)}$ in 2 spatial dimensions, where “spatial dimensions” are the dimensions of the physical geometry in which the computer exists.

Since this result implies an increased cost in 2 spatial dimensions, we make several assumptions about the constant terms of memory access and lattice attacks so that we can give bit security estimates for Kyber and Dilithium. These estimates support but do not increase the security categories claimed in the Kyber and Dilithium specifications, at least with respect to known attacks.

Lichao Wu, Azade Rezaeezade, Amir Ali-pour, Guilherme Perin, Stjepan Picek
Published 2024-10-07 PDFPDF

Profiling side-channel analysis has gained widespread acceptance in both academic and industrial realms due to its robust capacity to unveil protected secrets, even in the presence of countermeasures. To harness this capability, an adversary must access a clone of the target device to acquire profiling measurements, labeling them with leakage models. The challenge of finding an effective leakage model, especially for a protected dataset with a low signal-to-noise ratio or weak correlation between actual leakages and labels, often necessitates an intuitive engineering approach, as otherwise, the attack will not perform well.

In this paper, we introduce a deep learning approach with a flexible leakage model, referred to as the multi-bit model. Instead of trying to learn a pre-determined representation of the target intermediate data, we utilize the concept of the stochastic model to decompose the label into bits. Then, the deep learning model is used to classify each bit independently. This versatile multi-bit model can adjust to existing leakage models like the Hamming weight and Most Significant Bit while also possessing the flexibility to adapt to complex leakage scenarios. To further improve the attack efficiency, we extend the multi-bit model to profile all 16 subkey bytes simultaneously, which requires negligible computational effort. The experimental results show that the proposed methods can efficiently break all key bytes across four considered datasets while the conventional leakage models fail. Our work signifies a significant step forward in deep learning-based side-channel attacks, showcasing a high degree of flexibility and efficiency with the proposed leakage model.

Thomas Attema, Aron van Baarsen, Stefan van den Berg, Pedro Capitão, Vincent Dunning, Lisa Kohl
Published 2024-07-08 PDFPDF

Despite much progress, general-purpose secure multi-party computation (MPC) with active security may still be prohibitively expensive in settings with large input datasets. This particularly applies to the secure evaluation of graph algorithms, where each party holds a subset of a large graph. Recently, Araki et al. (ACM CCS '21) showed that dedicated solutions may provide significantly better efficiency if the input graph is sparse. In particular, they provide an efficient protocol for the secure evaluation of “message passing” algorithms, such as the PageRank algorithm. Their protocol's computation and communication complexity are both $\tilde{O}(M\cdot B)$ instead of the $O(M^2)$ complexity achieved by general-purpose MPC protocols, where $M$ denotes the number of nodes and $B$ the (average) number of incoming edges per node. On the downside, their approach achieves only a relatively weak security notion; $1$-out-of-$3$ malicious security with selective abort.

In this work, we show that PageRank can instead be captured efficiently as a restricted multiplication straight-line (RMS) program, and present a new actively secure MPC protocol tailored to handle RMS programs. In particular, we show that the local knowledge of the participants can be leveraged towards the first maliciously-secure protocol with communication complexity linear in $M$, independently of the sparsity of the graph. We present two variants of our protocol. In our communication-optimized protocol, going from semi-honest to malicious security only introduces a small communication overhead, but results in quadratic computation complexity $O(M^2)$. In our balanced protocol, we still achieve a linear communication complexity $O(M)$, although with worse constants, but a significantly better computational complexity scaling with $O(M\cdot B)$. Additionally, our protocols achieve security with identifiable abort and can tolerate up to $n-1$ corruptions.

Guilhèm Assael, Philippe Elbaz-Vincent
Published 2024-07-08 PDFPDF

Several cryptographic schemes, including lattice-based cryptography and the SHA-2 family of hash functions, involve both integer arithmetic and Boolean logic. Each of these classes of operations, considered separately, can be efficiently implemented under the masking countermeasure when resistance against vertical attacks is required. However, protecting interleaved arithmetic and logic operations is much more expensive, requiring either additional masking conversions to switch between masking schemes, or implementing arithmetic functions as nonlinear operations over a Boolean masking. Both solutions can be achieved by providing masked arithmetic addition over Boolean shares, which is an operation with relatively long latency and usually high area utilization in hardware. A further complication arises when the arithmetic performed by the scheme is over a prime modulus, which is common in lattice-based cryptography. In this work, we propose a first-order masked implementation of arithmetic addition over Boolean shares occupying a very small area, while still having reasonable latency. Our proposal is specifically tuned for efficient addition and subtraction modulo an arbitrary integer, but it can also be configured at runtime for power-of-two arithmetic. To the best of our knowledge, we propose the first such construction whose security is formally proven in the glitch+transition-robust probing model.

Scott Griffy, Anna Lysyanskaya
Published 2024-07-08 PDFPDF

To be useful and widely accepted, automated contact tracing schemes (also called exposure notification) need to solve two seemingly contradictory problems at the same time: they need to protect the anonymity of honest users while also preventing malicious users from creating false alarms. In this paper, we provide, for the first time, an exposure notification construction that guarantees the same levels of privacy and integrity as existing schemes but with a fully malicious database (notably similar to Auerbach et al. CT-RSA 2021) without special restrictions on the adversary. We construct a new definition so that we can formally prove our construction secure. Our definition ensures the following integrity guarantees: no malicious user can cause exposure warnings in two locations at the same time and that any uploaded exposure notifications must be recent and not previously uploaded. Our construction is efficient, requiring only a single message to be broadcast at contact time no matter how many recipients are nearby. To notify contacts of potential infection, an infected user uploads data with size linear in the number of notifications, similar to other schemes. Linear upload complexity is not trivial with our assumptions and guarantees (a naive scheme would be quadratic). This linear complexity is achieved with a new primitive: zero knowledge subset proofs over commitments which is used by our "no cloning" proof protocol. We also introduce another new primitive: set commitments on equivalence classes, which makes each step of our construction more efficient. Both of these new primitives are of independent interest.

Gil Segev, Liat Shapira
Published 2024-07-08 PDFPDF

In this work we first present an explicit forking lemma that distills the information-theoretic essence of the high-moment technique introduced by Rotem and Segev (CRYPTO '21), who analyzed the security of identification protocols and Fiat-Shamir signature schemes. Whereas the technique of Rotem and Segev was particularly geared towards two specific cryptographic primitives, we present a stand-alone probabilistic lower bound, which does not involve any underlying primitive or idealized model. The key difference between our lemma and previous ones is that instead of focusing on the tradeoff between the worst-case or expected running time of the resulting forking algorithm and its success probability, we focus on the tradeoff between higher moments of its running time and its success probability.

Equipped with our lemma, we then establish concrete security bounds for the BN and BLS multi-signature schemes that are significantly tighter than the concrete security bounds established by Bellare and Neven (CCS '06) and Boneh, Drijvers and Neven (ASIACRYPT '18), respectively. Our analysis does not limit adversaries to any idealized algebraic model, such as the algebraic group model in which all algorithms are assumed to provide an algebraic justification for each group element they produce. Our bounds are derived in the random-oracle model based on the standard-model second-moment hardness of the discrete logarithm problem (for the BN scheme) and the computational co-Diffie-Hellman problem (for the BLS scheme). Such second-moment assumptions, asking that the success probability of any algorithm in solving the underlying computational problems is dominated by the second moment of the algorithm's running time, are particularly plausible in any group where no better-than-generic algorithms are currently known.

Yi-Hsiu Chen, Yehuda Lindell
Published 2024-07-08 PDFPDF

Fischlin's transform (CRYPTO 2005) is an alternative to the Fiat-Shamir transform that enables straight-line extraction when proving knowledge. In this work we focus on the problem of using the Fischlin transform to construct UC-secure zero-knowledge from Sigma protocols, since UC security – that guarantees security under general concurrent composition – requires straight-line (non-rewinding) simulators. We provide a slightly simplified transform that is much easier to understand, and present algorithmic and implementation optimizations that significantly improve the running time. It appears that the main obstacles to the use of Fischlin in practice is its computational cost and implementation complexity (with multiple parameters that need to be chosen). We provide clear guidelines and a simple methodology for choosing parameters, and show that with our optimizations the running-time is far lower than expected. For just one example, on a 2023 MacBook, the cost of proving the knowledge of discrete log with Fischlin is only 0.41ms (on a single core). This is 15 times slower than plain Fiat-Shamir on the same machine, which is a significant multiple but objectively not significant in many applications. We also extend the transform so that it can be applied to batch proofs, and show how this can be much more efficient than individually proving each statement. We hope that this paper will both encourage and help practitioners implement the Fischlin transform where relevant.

Ky Nguyen, David Pointcheval, Robert Schädlich
Published 2024-07-08 PDFPDF

Decentralized Multi-Client Functional Encryption (DMCFE) extends the basic functional encryption to multiple clients that do not trust each other. They can independently encrypt the multiple plaintext-inputs to be given for evaluation to the function embedded in the functional decryption key, defined by multiple parameter-inputs. And they keep control on these functions as they all have to contribute to the generation of the functional decryption keys. Tags can be used in the ciphertexts and the keys to specify which inputs can be combined together. As any encryption scheme, DMCFE provides privacy of the plaintexts. But the functions associated to the functional decryption keys might be sensitive too (e.g. a model in machine learning). The function-hiding property has thus been introduced to additionally protect the function evaluated during the decryption process.

In this paper, we provide new proof techniques to analyze a new concrete construction of function-hiding DMCFE for inner products, with strong security guarantees: the adversary can adaptively query multiple challenge ciphertexts and multiple challenge keys, with unbounded repetitions of the same tags in the ciphertext-queries and a fixed polynomially-large number of repetitions of the same tags in the key-queries. Previous constructions were proven secure in the selective setting only.

Nibesh Shrestha, Adithya Bhat, Aniket Kate, Kartik Nayak
Published 2024-07-08 PDFPDF

Distributed key generation (DKG) is a key building block in developing many efficient threshold cryptosystems. This work initiates the study of communication complexity and round complexity of DKG protocols over a point-to-point (bounded) synchronous network. Our key result is the first synchronous DKG protocol for discrete log-based cryptosystems with $O(\kappa n^3)$ communication complexity ($\kappa$ denotes a security parameter) that tolerates any $t < n/2$ Byzantine faults among $n$ parties. We present two variants of the protocol: (i) a protocol with worst-case $O(\kappa n^3)$ communication and $O(t)$ rounds, and (ii) a protocol with expected $O(\kappa n^3)$ communication and expected constant rounds. In the process of achieving our results, we design (1) a novel weak gradecast protocol with a communication complexity of $O(\kappa n^2)$ for linear-sized inputs and constant rounds, (2) a protocol called “recoverable-set-of-shares” for ensuring recovery of shared secrets, (3) an oblivious leader election protocol with $O(\kappa n^3)$ communication and constant rounds, and (4) a multi-valued validated Byzantine agreement (MVBA) protocol with $O(\kappa n^3)$ communication complexity for linear-sized inputs and expected constant rounds. Each of these primitives is of independent interest.

Gabrielle De Micheli, Nadia Heninger
Published 2024-04-09 PDFPDF

Side-channel attacks targeting cryptography may leak only partial or indirect information about the secret keys. There are a variety of techniques in the literature for recovering secret keys from partial information. In this work, we survey several of the main families of partial key recovery algorithms for RSA, (EC)DSA, and (elliptic curve) Diffie-Hellman, the classical public-key cryptosystems in common use today. We categorize the known techniques by the structure of the information that is learned by the attacker, and give simplified examples for each technique to illustrate the underlying ideas.

Benjamin E. Diamond, Jim Posen
Published 2024-04-09 PDFPDF

A fundamental result dating to Ligero (Des. Codes Cryptogr. '23) establishes that each fixed linear block code exhibits proximity gaps with respect to the collection of affine subspaces, in the sense that each given subspace either resides entirely close to the code, or else contains only a small portion which resides close to the code. In particular, any given subspace's failure to reside entirely close to the code is necessarily witnessed, with high probability, by a uniformly randomly sampled element of that subspace. We investigate a variant of this phenomenon in which the witness is not sampled uniformly from the subspace, but rather from a much smaller subset of it. We show that a logarithmic number of random field elements (in the dimension of the subspace) suffice to effect an analogous proximity test, with moreover only a logarithmic (multiplicative) loss in the possible prevalence of false witnesses. We discuss applications to recent noninteractive proofs based on linear codes, including Brakedown (CRYPTO '23).

Aurélien Dupin, Simon Abelard
Published 2024-04-09 PDFPDF

The problem of Broadcast Encryption (BE) consists in broadcasting an encrypted message to a large number of users or receiving devices in such a way that the emitter of the message can control which of the users can or cannot decrypt it.

Since the early 1990s, the design of BE schemes has received significant interest and many different concepts were proposed. A major breakthrough was achieved by Naor, Naor and Lotspiech (CRYPTO 2001) by partitioning cleverly the set of authorized users and associating a symmetric key to each subset. Since then, while there have been many advances in public-key based BE schemes, mostly based on bilinear maps, little was made on symmetric cryptography.

In this paper, we design a new symmetric-based BE scheme, named $\Sigma\Pi$BE, that relies on logic optimization and consensual security assumptions. It is competitive with the work of Naor et al. and provides a different tradeoff: the bandwidth requirement is significantly lowered at the cost of an increase in the key storage.