Quantum Procedures for Nested Search Problems
with Applications in Cryptanalysis
In this paper we study search problems that arise very often in cryptanalysis: nested search problems, where each search layer has known degrees of freedom and/or constraints. A generic quantum solution for such problems consists of nesting Grover's quantum search algorithm or amplitude amplification (QAA) by Brassard et al., obtaining up to a square-root speedup on classical algorithms. However, the analysis of nested Grover or QAA is complex and introduces technicalities that in previous works are handled in a case-by-case manner. Moreover, straightforward nesting of l layers multiplies the complexity by a constant factor (pi/2)^l.
In this paper, we aim to remedy both these issues and introduce a generic framework and tools to transform a classical nested search into a quantum procedure. It improves the state-of-the-art in three ways: 1) our framework results in quantum procedures that are significantly simpler to describe and analyze; 2) it reduces the overhead factor from (pi/2)^l to sqrt(l); 3) it is simpler to apply and optimize, without needing manual quantum analysis. We give generic complexity formulas and show that for concrete instances, numerical optimizations enable further improvements, reducing even more the gap to an exact quadratic speedup.
We demonstrate our framework by giving a tighter analysis of quantum attacks on reduced-round AES.
How to cite
André Schrottenloher and Marc Stevens, Quantum Procedures for Nested Search Problems. IACR Communications in Cryptology, vol. 1, no. 3, Oct 07, 2024, doi: 10.62056/aee0fhbmo.
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