A Security Analysis of Restricted Syndrome Decoding Problems
Ward Beullens, Pierre Briaud, Morten Øygarden
Ward Beullens
IBM Research Europe, Zürich, Switzerland wbe at zurich dot ibm dot com
Pierre Briaud
Simula UiB, Bergen, Norway pierre at simula dot no
Morten Øygarden
Simula UiB, Bergen, Norway morten dot oygarden at simula dot no
Restricted syndrome decoding problems (R-SDP and R-SDP()) provide an interesting basis for post-quantum cryptography. Indeed, they feature in CROSS, a submission in the ongoing process for standardizing post-quantum signatures.
This work improves our understanding of the security of both problems. Firstly, we propose and implement a novel collision attack on R-SDP() that provides the best attack under realistic restrictions on memory. Secondly, we derive precise complexity estimates for algebraic attacks on R-SDP that are shown to be accurate by our experiments. We note that neither of these improvements threatens the updated parameters of CROSS.
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Ward Beullens, Pierre Briaud, and
Morten Øygarden, A Security Analysis of Restricted Syndrome Decoding Problems. IACR Communications in Cryptology, vol. 1, no. 3, Oct 07, 2024, doi: 10.62056/a06cy7qiu.
author = "Beullens, Ward and Briaud, Pierre and Øygarden, Morten",
journal = "{IACR} {C}ommunications in {C}ryptology",
publisher = "{I}nternational {A}ssociation for {C}ryptologic {R}esearch",
title = "A Security Analysis of Restricted Syndrome Decoding Problems",
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number = "3",
date = "2024-10-07",
year = "2024",
issn = "3006-5496",
doi = "10.62056/a06cy7qiu"
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AU - Briaud, Pierre
AU - Øygarden, Morten
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TI - A Security Analysis of Restricted Syndrome Decoding Problems
JF - IACR Communications in Cryptology
VL - 1
IS - 3
DO - 10.62056/a06cy7qiu
UR - https://doi.org/10.62056/a06cy7qiu
AB - <p>Restricted syndrome decoding problems (R-SDP and R-SDP($G$)) provide an interesting basis for post-quantum cryptography. Indeed, they feature in CROSS, a submission in the ongoing process for standardizing post-quantum signatures.</p><p>This work improves our understanding of the security of both problems. Firstly, we propose and implement a novel collision attack on R-SDP($G$) that provides the best attack under realistic restrictions on memory. Secondly, we derive precise complexity estimates for algebraic attacks on R-SDP that are shown to be accurate by our experiments. We note that neither of these improvements threatens the updated parameters of CROSS. </p>
ER -
Ward Beullens, Pierre Briaud, and
Morten Øygarden, A Security Analysis of Restricted Syndrome Decoding Problems. IACR Communications in Cryptology, vol. 1, no. 3, Oct 07, 2024, doi: 10.62056/a06cy7qiu.
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