Communications in Cryptology IACR CiC

Fault-tolerant Verifiable Dynamic SSE with Forward and Backward Privacy


Bibhas Chandra Das, Nilanjan Datta, Avishek Majumder, Subhabrata Samajder
Bibhas Chandra Das ORCID
Institute for Advancing Intelligence, TCG CREST, India
Chennai Mathematical Institute, India
bibhaschandra dot das at tcgcrest dot org
Nilanjan Datta ORCID
Institute for Advancing Intelligence, TCG CREST, India
nilanjan dot datta at tcgcrest dot org
Avishek Majumder ORCID
UPES, India
avishek dot majumder1991 at gmail dot com
Subhabrata Samajder ORCID
Institute for Advancing Intelligence, TCG CREST, India
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, India
subhabrata dot samajder at tcgcrest dot org


Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption (DSSE) allows users to securely outsource their data to cloud servers while enabling efficient searches and updates. The verifiability property of a DSSE construction ensures that users do not accept incorrect search results from a malicious server while the fault-tolerance property guarantees the construction functions correctly even with faulty queries from the client (e.g., adding a keyword to a document multiple times, deleting a keyword from a document that was never added). There have been very few studies on fault-tolerant verifiable DSSE schemes that achieve forward privacy, and none of the existing constructions achieve backward privacy. In this paper, we aim to design an efficient fault-tolerant verifiable DSSE scheme that provides both forward and backward privacy. First, we propose a basic fault-tolerant verifiable DSSE scheme, dubbed $\textsf{FVS1}$, which achieves forward privacy and stronger backward privacy with the update pattern (BPUP). However, the communication complexity for the search operation of this scheme is $O(u)$, where $u$ is the total number of updates for the search keyword. To address this issue, we propose an efficient variant of the previous DSSE scheme, called $\textsf{FVS2}$, which achieves the same functionality with an optimized communication complexity of $O(m+u')$ for search queries. Here $m$ is the size of the result set and $u'$ is the number of update operations made on the queried keyword after the previous search made on the keyword. This improvement comes at the cost of some additional information leakage, but it ensures the construction achieves backward privacy with the link pattern (BPLP).


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PDFPDF Open access

Submitted: 2024-07-09
Accepted: 2024-12-03
Published: 2025-01-13
How to cite

Bibhas Chandra Das, Nilanjan Datta, Avishek Majumder, and Subhabrata Samajder, Fault-tolerant Verifiable Dynamic SSE with Forward and Backward Privacy. IACR Communications in Cryptology, vol. 1, no. 4, Jan 13, 2025, doi: 10.62056/ayl5w4fe-3.


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