Communications in Cryptology IACR CiC

An efficient combination of quantum error correction and authentication


Yfke Dulek, Garazi Muguruza, Florian Speelman
Yfke Dulek ORCID
CWI, Netherlands
QuSoft, Netherlands
Garazi Muguruza ORCID
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
QuSoft, Netherlands
g dot muguruza at uva dot nl
Florian Speelman ORCID
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
QuSoft, Netherlands
f dot speelman at uva dot nl


When sending quantum information over a channel, we want to ensure that the message remains intact. Quantum error correction and quantum authentication both aim to protect (quantum) information, but approach this task from two very different directions: error-correcting codes protect against probabilistic channel noise and are meant to be very robust against small errors, while authentication codes prevent adversarial attacks and are designed to be very sensitive against any error, including small ones.

In practice, when sending an authenticated state over a noisy channel, one would have to wrap it in an error-correcting code to counterbalance the sensitivity of the underlying authentication scheme. We study the question of whether this can be done more efficiently by combining the two functionalities in a single code. To illustrate the potential of such a combination, we design the threshold code, a modification of the trap authentication code which preserves that code's authentication properties, but which is naturally robust against depolarizing channel noise. We show that the threshold code needs polylogarithmically fewer qubits to achieve the same level of security and robustness, compared to the naive composition of the trap code with any concatenated CSS code. We believe our analysis opens the door to combining more general error-correction and authentication codes, which could improve the practicality of the resulting scheme.


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Submitted: 2024-10-09
Accepted: 2024-12-03
Published: 2025-01-13
How to cite

Yfke Dulek, Garazi Muguruza, and Florian Speelman, An efficient combination of quantum error correction and authentication. IACR Communications in Cryptology, vol. 1, no. 4, Jan 13, 2025, doi: 10.62056/ah2i5w7sf.


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