Communications in Cryptology IACR CiC

Foundations of Data Availability Sampling


Mathias Hall-Andersen, Mark Simkin, Benedikt Wagner
Mathias Hall-Andersen ORCID
ZkSecurity, Denmark
mathias at zksecurity dot xyz
Mark Simkin ORCID
Independent Researcher, Denmark
mark at univariate dot org
Benedikt Wagner ORCID
Ethereum Foundation, Germany
benedikt dot wagner at ethereum dot org


Towards building more scalable blockchains, an approach known as data availability sampling (DAS) has emerged over the past few years. Even large blockchains like Ethereum are planning to eventually deploy DAS to improve their scalability. In a nutshell, DAS allows the participants of a network to ensure the full availability of some data without any one participant downloading it entirely. Despite the significant practical interest that DAS has received, there are currently no formal definitions for this primitive, no security notions, and no security proofs for any candidate constructions. For a cryptographic primitive that may end up being widely deployed in large real-world systems, this is a rather unsatisfactory state of affairs.

In this work, we initiate a cryptographic study of data availability sampling. To this end, we define data availability sampling precisely as a clean cryptographic primitive. Then, we show how data availability sampling relates to erasure codes. We do so by defining a new type of commitment schemes which naturally generalizes vector commitments and polynomial commitments. Using our framework, we analyze existing constructions and prove them secure. In addition, we give new constructions which are based on weaker assumptions, computationally more efficient, and do not rely on a trusted setup, at the cost of slightly larger communication complexity. Finally, we evaluate the trade-offs of the different constructions.


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PDFPDF Open access

Submitted: 2024-10-09
Accepted: 2024-12-03
Published: 2025-01-13
How to cite

Mathias Hall-Andersen, Mark Simkin, and Benedikt Wagner, Foundations of Data Availability Sampling. IACR Communications in Cryptology, vol. 1, no. 4, Jan 13, 2025, doi: 10.62056/a09qudhdj.


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