Communications in Cryptology IACR CiC

Technology-Dependent Synthesis and Optimization of Circuits for Small S-boxes


Zihao Wei, Siwei Sun, Fengmei Liu, Lei Hu, Zhiyu Zhang
Zihao Wei ORCID
School of Cryptology, Beijing, China
Data Communication Science and Technology Research Institute, Beijing, China
wei_z_h at 163 dot com
Siwei Sun ORCID
School of Cryptology, Beijing, China
State Key Laboratory of Cryptology, Beijing, China
siweisun dot isaac at gmail dot com
Fengmei Liu
Data Communication Science and Technology Research Institute, Beijing, China
lfmei at sina dot com
Lei Hu
Key Laboratory of Cyberspace Security Defense, Beijing, China
School of Cyber Security, Beijing, China
hulei at iie dot ac dot cn
Zhiyu Zhang ORCID
School of Cryptology, Beijing, China
zhangzhiyu14 at mails dot ucas dot ac dot cn


Boolean formula minimization is a notoriously hard problem. Circuit minimization, typically studied in the context of a much broader subject known as synthesis and optimization of circuits, introduces another layer of complexity since ultimately those technology-independent representations (e.g., Boolean formulas and truth tables) has to be transformed into a netlist of cells of the target technology library. To manage those complexities, the industrial community typically separates the synthesis process into two steps: technology-independent optimization and technology mapping. In each step, this approach only tries to find the local optimal solution and relies heavily on heuristics rather than a systematic search. However, for small S-boxes, a more systematic exploration of the design space is possible. Aiming at the global optimum, we propose a method which can synthesize a truth table for a small S-box directly into a netlist of the cells of a given technology library. Compared with existing technology-dependent synthesis tools like LIGHTER and PEIGEN, our method produces improved results for many S-boxes with respect to circuit area. In particular, by applying our method to the GF(2^4)-inverter involved in the tower field implementation of the AES S-box, we obtain the currently known lightest implementation of the AES S-box. The search framework can be tweaked to take circuit delay into account. As a result, we find implementations for certain S-boxes with both latency and area improved.


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PDFPDF Open access

Submitted: 2024-10-07
Accepted: 2024-12-03
Published: 2025-01-13
How to cite

Zihao Wei, Siwei Sun, Fengmei Liu, Lei Hu, and Zhiyu Zhang, Technology-Dependent Synthesis and Optimization of Circuits for Small S-boxes. IACR Communications in Cryptology, vol. 1, no. 4, Jan 13, 2025, doi: 10.62056/akmpdkp10.


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