Communications in Cryptology IACR CiC

Scalable Nonlinear Sequence Generation using Composite Mersenne Product Registers


David Gordon, Arman Allahverdi, Simon Abrelat, Anna Hemingway, Adil Farooq, Isabella Smith, Nitya Arora, Allen Ian Chang, Yongyu Qiang, Vincent John Mooney III
David Gordon ORCID
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States of America
dgordon48 at gatech dot edu
Arman Allahverdi ORCID
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States of America
aallahverdi3 at gatech dot edu
Simon Abrelat ORCID
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States of America
simon dot abrelat at gatech dot edu
Anna Hemingway
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States of America
ahemingway6 at gatech dot edu
Adil Farooq ORCID
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States of America
afarooq32 at gatech dot edu
Isabella Smith
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States of America
ismith80 at gatech dot edu
Nitya Arora
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States of America
narora70 at gatech dot edu
Allen Ian Chang ORCID
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States of America
allen dot chang at gatech dot edu
Yongyu Qiang ORCID
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States of America
yqiang7 at gatech dot edu
Vincent John Mooney III ORCID
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States of America
mooney at gatech dot edu


We introduce a novel composition method that combines linear feedback registers into larger nonlinear structures and generalizes earlier methods such as cascade connections. We prove a Chaining Period Theorem which provides the cycle structure of these register constructions. We then use this Chaining Period Theorem and a new construction we call a Product Register (PR) to introduce a flexible and scalable register family with desirable properties, which we term Composite Mersenne Product Registers (CMPRs). We provide an algorithm to estimate the linear complexity of a chosen CMPR and investigate the statistical properties and security of a CMPR-based pseudorandom generator. Finally, we propose a family of CMPR-based stream ciphers and provide comparisons with the TRIVIUM stream cipher in terms of hardware area and security.


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PDFPDF Open access

Submitted: 2024-10-09
Accepted: 2024-12-03
Published: 2025-01-13
How to cite

David Gordon, Arman Allahverdi, Simon Abrelat, Anna Hemingway, Adil Farooq, Isabella Smith, Nitya Arora, Allen Ian Chang, Yongyu Qiang, and Vincent John Mooney III, Scalable Nonlinear Sequence Generation using Composite Mersenne Product Registers. IACR Communications in Cryptology, vol. 1, no. 4, Jan 13, 2025, doi: 10.62056/a3tx11zn4.


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