Communications in Cryptology IACR CiC

Uncloneable Quantum Advice


Anne Broadbent, Martti Karvonen, Sébastien Lord
Anne Broadbent ORCID
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
anne dot broadbent at uottawa dot ca
Martti Karvonen ORCID
University College London, London, United Kingdom
martti dot karvonen at ucl dot ac dot uk
Sébastien Lord ORCID
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
sebastien dot lord at uottawa dot ca


The famous no-cloning principle has been shown recently to enable a number of uncloneable cryptographic primitives, including the copy-protection of certain functionalities. Here we address for the first time unkeyed quantum uncloneablity, via the study of a complexity-theoretic tool that enables a computation, but that is natively unkeyed: quantum advice. Remarkably, this is an application of the no-cloning principle in a context where the quantum states of interest are not chosen by a random process. We establish unconditional constructions for promise problems admitting uncloneable quantum advice and, assuming the feasibility of quantum copy-protecting certain functions, for languages with uncloneable advice. Along the way, we note that state complexity classes, introduced by Rosenthal and Yuen (ITCS 2022) — which concern the computational difficulty of synthesizing sequences of quantum states — can be naturally generalized to obtain state cloning complexity classes. We make initial observations on these classes, notably obtaining a result analogous to the existence of undecidable problems.

Our proof technique defines and constructs ingenerable sequences of finite bit strings, essentially meaning that they cannot be generated by any uniform circuit family with non-negligible probability. We then prove a generic result showing that the difficulty of accomplishing a computational task on uniformly random inputs implies its difficulty on any fixed, ingenerable sequence. We use this result to derandomize quantum cryptographic games that relate to cloning, and then incorporate a result of Kundu and Tan (arXiv 2022) to obtain uncloneable advice. Applying this two-step process to a monogamy-of-entanglement game yields a promise problem with uncloneable advice, and applying it to the quantum copy-protection of pseudorandom functions with super-logarithmic output lengths yields a language with uncloneable advice.


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Submitted: 2024-07-07
Accepted: 2024-09-02
Published: 2024-10-07
How to cite

Anne Broadbent, Martti Karvonen, and Sébastien Lord, Uncloneable Quantum Advice. IACR Communications in Cryptology, vol. 1, no. 3, Oct 07, 2024, doi: 10.62056/abe0fhbmo.


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