Communications in Cryptology IACR CiC

Efficient Post-Quantum Pattern Matching on Encrypted Data


Anis Bkakria, Malika Izabachène
Anis Bkakria ORCID
IRT SystemX, France
anis dot bkakria at irt-systemx dot fr
Malika Izabachène ORCID
Unaffiliated, France
malika dot izabachene at gmail dot com


Pattern matching methods are essential in various applications where users must disclose highly sensitive information. Among these applications are genomic data analysis, financial records inspection, and intrusion detection processes, all of which necessitate robust privacy protection mechanisms. Balancing the imperative of protecting the confidentiality of analyzed data with the need for efficient pattern matching presents a significant challenge.

In this paper, we propose an efficient post-quantum secure construction that enables arbitrary pattern matching over encrypted data while ensuring the confidentiality of the data to be analyzed. In addition, we address scenarios where a malicious data sender, intended to send an encrypted content for pattern detection analysis, has the ability to modify the encrypted content. We adapt the data fragmentation technique to handle such a malicious sender. Our construction makes use of a well-suited Homomorphic Encryption packing method in the context of fragmented streams and combines homomorphic operations in a leveled mode (i.e. without bootstrapping) to obtain a very efficient pattern matching detection process.

In contrast to the most efficient state-of-the-art scheme, our construction achieves a significant reduction in the time required for encryption, decryption, and pattern matching on encrypted data. Specifically, our approach decreases the time by factors of $1850$, $10^6$, and $245$, respectively, for matching a single pattern, and by factors of $115$, $10^5$, and $12$, respectively, for matching $2^{10}$ patterns.


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PDFPDF Open access

Submitted: 2024-04-09
Accepted: 2024-06-03
Published: 2024-07-08
How to cite

Anis Bkakria and Malika Izabachène, "Efficient Post-Quantum Pattern Matching on Encrypted Data," IACR Communications in Cryptology, vol. 1, no. 2, Jul 08, 2024, doi: 10.62056/a09qxrxqi.


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