Communications in Cryptology IACR CiC

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Policy on conflict of interest A conflict of interest (CoI) is a situation in which a person is involved in multiple interests, one of which could affect the judgment of that individual. In the context of scientific reviewing on behalf of the IACR CiC, a CoI exists when particular relationships between reviewers and authors, or their respective institutions, may taint a reviewer’s de...
Editors in chief
Frequently asked questions The International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR) Communications in Cryptology (CiC) was approved by the Membership in the IACR 2022 election and targets publications that advance the field, but with a broader range of contributions than the ones accepted by the IACR flagship or area conferences. What are the main principles of CiC? Low-cost open ...
Qinyi Li, Xavier Boyen
Published 2024-07-08 PDFPDF

Public-key searchable encryption allows keyword-associated tokens to be used to test if a ciphertext contains specific keywords. Due to the low entropies of keywords, the token holder can create ciphertexts from candidate keywords and test them using the token in hand to recover the keywords, known as inside keyword guessing attacks (IKGA). Public-key authenticated encryption with keyword search is a searchable encryption proposed to defend against such attacks. It ensures the sender's private key protects the ciphertexts from the IKGA. PAEKS schemes with reasonable security and practical efficiency remain elusive despite many proposals. This work provides a simple generic PAEKS scheme from non-interactive key exchange (NIKE) and symmetric-key equality-predicate encryption with three new constructions for the latter, respectively from pseudorandom functions (PRFs), the decision bilinear Diffie-Hellman assumption, and the learning-with-errors assumption. Instantiating our generic scheme, we derive several PAEKS schemes from the most well-known assumptions, with some of them achieving full cipher-keyword indistinguishability and full token indistinguishability in the standard model, for the first time. Our instantiated schemes allow practical implementations and outperform the existing PAEKS schemes under the same assumptions.

Vincent Hwang
Published 2024-07-08 PDFPDF

We survey various mathematical tools used in software works multiplying polynomials in \[ \frac{\mathbb{Z}_q[x]}{\left\langle {x^n - \alpha x - \beta} \right\rangle}. \] In particular, we survey implementation works targeting polynomial multiplications in lattice-based cryptosystems Dilithium, Kyber, NTRU, NTRU Prime, and Saber with instruction set architectures/extensions Armv7-M, Armv7E-M, Armv8-A, and AVX2.

There are three emphases in this paper: (i) modular arithmetic, (ii) homomorphisms, and (iii) vectorization. For modular arithmetic, we survey Montgomery, Barrett, and Plantard multiplications. For homomorphisms, we survey (a) various homomorphisms such as Cooley–Tukey FFT, Good–Thomas FFT, Bruun's FFT, Rader's FFT, Karatsuba, and Toom–Cook; (b) various algebraic techniques for adjoining nice properties to the coefficient rings, including localization, Schönhage's FFT, Nussbaumer's FFT, and coefficient ring switching; and (c) various algebraic techniques related to the polynomial moduli, including twisting, composed multiplication, evaluation at $\infty$, truncation, incomplete transformation, striding, and Toeplitz matrix-vector product. For vectorization, we survey the relations between homomorphisms and vector arithmetic.

We then go through several case studies: We compare the implementations of modular multiplications used in Dilithium and Kyber, explain how the matrix-to-vector structure was exploited in Saber, and review the design choices of transformations for NTRU and NTRU Prime with vectorization. Finally, we outline several interesting implementation projects.

Yehuda Lindell
Published 2024-04-09 PDFPDF

In a multiparty signing protocol, also known as a threshold signature scheme, the private signing key is shared amongst a set of parties and only a quorum of those parties can generate a signature. Research on multiparty signing has been growing in popularity recently due to its application to cryptocurrencies. Most work has focused on reducing the number of rounds to two, and as a result: (a) are not fully simulatable in the sense of MPC real/ideal security definitions, and/or (b) are not secure under concurrent composition, and/or (c) utilize non-standard assumptions of different types in their proofs of security. In this paper, we describe a simple three-round multiparty protocol for Schnorr signatures that is secure for any number of corrupted parties; i.e., in the setting of a dishonest majority. The protocol is fully simulatable, secure under concurrent composition, and proven secure in the standard model or random-oracle model (depending on the instantiations of the commitment and zero-knowledge primitives). The protocol realizes an ideal Schnorr signing functionality with perfect security in the ideal commitment and zero-knowledge hybrid model (and thus the only assumptions needed are for realizing these functionalities).

In our presentation, we do not assume that all parties begin with the message to be signed, the identities of the participating parties and a unique common session identifier, since this is often not the case in practice. Rather, the parties achieve consensus on these parameters as the protocol progresses.

Gorjan Alagic, Chen Bai, Alexander Poremba, Kaiyan Shi
Published 2024-04-09 PDFPDF

In the permutation inversion problem, the task is to find the preimage of some challenge value, given oracle access to the permutation. This fundamental problem in query complexity appears in many contexts, particularly cryptography. In this work, we examine the setting in which the oracle allows for quantum queries to both the forward and the inverse direction of the permutation—except that the challenge value cannot be submitted to the latter. Within that setting, we consider three options for the inversion algorithm: whether it can get quantum advice about the permutation, whether the query algorithm can restrict the distribution with which the challenge input is sampled, and whether it must produce the entire preimage (search) or only the first bit (decision). We prove several theorems connecting the hardness of the resulting variations of the permutation inversion problem and establish lower bounds for them. Our results show that, perhaps surprisingly, the permutation inversion problem does not become significantly easier when the adversary is granted oracle access to the inverse—provided it cannot query the challenge itself.

Jingwen Chen, Qun Liu, Yanhong Fan, Lixuan Wu, Boyun Li, Meiqin Wang
Published 2024-04-09 PDFPDF

In recent years, quantum technology has been rapidly developed. As security analyses for symmetric ciphers continue to emerge, many require an evaluation of the resources needed for the quantum circuit implementation of the encryption algorithm. In this regard, we propose the quantum circuit decision problem, which requires us to determine whether there exists a quantum circuit for a given permutation f using M ancilla qubits and no more than K quantum gates within the circuit depth D. Firstly, we investigate heuristic algorithms and classical SAT-based models in previous works, revealing their limitations in solving the problem. Hence, we innovatively propose an improved SAT-based model incorporating three metrics of quantum circuits. The model enables us to find the optimal quantum circuit of an arbitrary 3 or 4-bit S-box under a given optimization goal based on SAT solvers, which has proved the optimality of circuits constructed by the tool, LIGHTER-R. Then, by combining different criteria in the model, we find more compact quantum circuit implementations of S-boxes such as RECTANGLE and GIFT. For GIFT S-box, our model provides the optimal quantum circuit that only requires 8 gates with a depth of 31. Furthermore, our model can be generalized to linear layers and improve the previous SAT-based model proposed by Huang et al. in ASIACRYPT 2022 by adding the criteria on the number of qubits and the circuit depth.

Shahla Atapoor, Karim Baghery, Hilder V. L. Pereira, Jannik Spiessens
Published 2024-04-09 PDFPDF

Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is a prevalent cryptographic primitive that allows for computation on encrypted data. In various cryptographic protocols, this enables outsourcing computation to a third party while retaining the privacy of the inputs to the computation. However, these schemes make an honest-but-curious assumption about the adversary. Previous work has tried to remove this assumption by combining FHE with Verifiable Computation (VC). Recent work has increased the flexibility of this approach by introducing integrity checks for homomorphic computations over rings. However, efficient FHE for circuits of large multiplicative depth also requires non-ring computations called maintenance operations, i.e. modswitching and keyswitching, which cannot be efficiently verified by existing constructions. We propose the first efficiently verifiable FHE scheme that allows for arbitrary depth homomorphic circuits by utilizing the double-CRT representation in which FHE schemes are typically computed, and using lattice-based SNARKs to prove components of this computation separately, including the maintenance operations. Therefore, our construction can theoretically handle bootstrapping operations. We also present the first implementation of a verifiable computation on encrypted data for a computation that contains multiple ciphertext-ciphertext multiplications. Concretely, we verify the homomorphic computation of an approximate neural network containing three layers and >100 ciphertexts in less than 1 second while maintaining reasonable prover costs.

Fabio Campos, Jorge Chávez-Saab, Jesús-Javier Chi-Domínguez, Michael Meyer, Krijn Reijnders, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez, Peter Schwabe, Thom Wiggers
Published 2024-04-09 PDFPDF

In this work, we assess the real-world practicality of CSIDH, an isogeny-based non-interactive key exchange. We provide the first thorough assessment of the practicality of CSIDH in higher parameter sizes for conservative estimates of quantum security, and with protection against physical attacks.

This requires a three-fold analysis of CSIDH. First, we describe two approaches to efficient high-security CSIDH implementations, based on SQALE and CTIDH. Second, we optimize such high-security implementations, on a high level by improving several subroutines, and on a low level by improving the finite field arithmetic. Third, we benchmark the performance of high-security CSIDH. As a stand-alone primitive, our implementations outperform previous results by a factor up to 2.53×.

As a real-world use case considering network protocols, we use CSIDH in TLS variants that allow early authentication through a NIKE. Although our instantiations of CSIDH have smaller communication requirements than post-quantum KEM and signature schemes, even our highly-optimized implementations result in too-large handshake latency (tens of seconds), showing that CSIDH is only practical in niche cases.