Preliminary Cryptanalysis of the Biscuit Signature Scheme
Biscuit is a recent multivariate signature scheme based on the MPC-in-the-Head paradigm. It has been submitted to the NIST competition for additional signature schemes. Signatures are derived from a zero-knowledge proof of knowledge of the solution of a structured polynomial system. This extra structure enables efficient proofs and compact signatures. This short note demonstrates that it also makes these polynomial systems easier to solve than random ones. As a consequence, the original parameters of Biscuit failed to meet the required security levels and had to be upgraded.
How to cite
Charles Bouillaguet and Julia Sauvage, Preliminary Cryptanalysis of the Biscuit Signature Scheme. IACR Communications in Cryptology, vol. 1, no. 1, Apr 09, 2024, doi: 10.62056/aemp-4c2h.
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